North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP)

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The NARCCAP dataset contains high-resolution climate change scenario simulation output from multiple RCMs (regional climate models) nested within multiple AOGCMs (atmosphere-ocean general circulation models) for 30-year current and future periods.

The RCMs are run at 50-km spatial resolution over a domain convering the conterminous United States and most of Canada; results are recorded at 3-hourly intervals. The driving AOGCMs are forced with the A2 SRES emissions scenario in the future period. This dataset also include output from two timeslice experiments and a set of 25-year RCM simulations driven with NCEP-2 reanalysis data. These simulation results are useful for impacts analysis, further downscaling experiments, and analysis of model performancy and uncertainty in regional scale projections of future climate.

When publishing research based on NARCCAP data, please include a citation for the dataset itself, such as the following:

Mearns, L.O., et al., 2007, updated 2014. The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program dataset, National Center for Atmospheric Research Climate Data Gateway data portal, Boulder, CO. Data downloaded 2024-10-22. []

NARCCAP Homepage
Model Information

This dataset is open access. Registration is not required, but we encourage NARCCAP data users to share their research interests at the NARCCAP User Directory.

Driving Model
CRCM data data data
ECP2 data data data
HRM3 data data data
MM5I data data data
RCM3 data data data
WRFG data data data
Timeslice data data
ECPC data
WRFP data

Download HadCM3 Boundary Condition Data

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