NetCDF Header

CESM2 SMYLE-FOSI Ocean Time Series Monthly Averages SiO2_FLUX_IN

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netcdf /datazone/campaign/cesm/development/espwg/SMYLE/initial_conditions/SMYLE-FOSI/ocn/proc/tseries/month_1/ {
    moc_comp = 3;
    nchar = 384;
    transport_comp = 5;
    transport_reg = 2;
    z_t = 60;
    z_t_150m = 15;
    z_w = 60;
    z_w_top = 60;
    z_w_bot = 60;
    lat_aux_grid = 395;
    moc_z = 61;
    nlat = 384;
    nlon = 320;
    time = UNLIMITED;   // (756 currently)
    d2 = 2;
    char moc_components(moc_comp=3, nchar=384);
      :long_name = "MOC component names";
      :units = "";
      :_ChunkSizes = 3, 384; // int

    char transport_components(transport_comp=5, nchar=384);
      :long_name = "T,S transport components";
      :units = "";
      :_ChunkSizes = 5, 384; // int

    char transport_regions(transport_reg=2, nchar=384);
      :long_name = "regions for all transport diagnostics";
      :units = "";
      :_ChunkSizes = 2, 384; // int

    float z_t(z_t=60);
      :long_name = "depth from surface to midpoint of layer";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :positive = "down";
      :valid_min = 500.0f; // float
      :valid_max = 537500.0f; // float
      :_ChunkSizes = 60; // int

    float z_t_150m(z_t_150m=15);
      :long_name = "depth from surface to midpoint of layer";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :positive = "down";
      :valid_min = 500.0f; // float
      :valid_max = 14500.0f; // float
      :_ChunkSizes = 15; // int

    float z_w(z_w=60);
      :long_name = "depth from surface to top of layer";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :positive = "down";
      :valid_min = 0.0f; // float
      :valid_max = 525000.94f; // float
      :_ChunkSizes = 60; // int

    float z_w_top(z_w_top=60);
      :long_name = "depth from surface to top of layer";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :positive = "down";
      :valid_min = 0.0f; // float
      :valid_max = 525000.94f; // float
      :_ChunkSizes = 60; // int

    float z_w_bot(z_w_bot=60);
      :long_name = "depth from surface to bottom of layer";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :positive = "down";
      :valid_min = 1000.0f; // float
      :valid_max = 549999.06f; // float
      :_ChunkSizes = 60; // int

    float lat_aux_grid(lat_aux_grid=395);
      :long_name = "latitude grid for transport diagnostics";
      :units = "degrees_north";
      :valid_min = -79.48815f; // float
      :valid_max = 90.0f; // float
      :_ChunkSizes = 395; // int

    float moc_z(moc_z=61);
      :long_name = "depth from surface to top of layer";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :positive = "down";
      :valid_min = 0.0f; // float
      :valid_max = 549999.06f; // float
      :_ChunkSizes = 61; // int

    float dz(z_t=60);
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :long_name = "thickness of layer k";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :missing_value = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :_ChunkSizes = 60; // int

    float dzw(z_w=60);
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :long_name = "midpoint of k to midpoint of k+1";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :missing_value = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :_ChunkSizes = 60; // int

    double ULONG(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "array of u-grid longitudes";
      :units = "degrees_east";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double ULAT(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "array of u-grid latitudes";
      :units = "degrees_north";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double TLONG(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "array of t-grid longitudes";
      :units = "degrees_east";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double TLAT(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "array of t-grid latitudes";
      :units = "degrees_north";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    int KMT(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = -2147483647; // int
      :long_name = "k Index of Deepest Grid Cell on T Grid";
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT";
      :missing_value = -2147483647; // int
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    int KMU(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = -2147483647; // int
      :long_name = "k Index of Deepest Grid Cell on U Grid";
      :coordinates = "ULONG ULAT";
      :missing_value = -2147483647; // int
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    int REGION_MASK(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = -2147483647; // int
      :long_name = "basin index number (signed integers)";
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT";
      :missing_value = -2147483647; // int
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double UAREA(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "area of U cells";
      :units = "centimeter^2";
      :coordinates = "ULONG ULAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double TAREA(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "area of T cells";
      :units = "centimeter^2";
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double HU(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "ocean depth at U points";
      :units = "centimeter";
      :coordinates = "ULONG ULAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double HT(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "ocean depth at T points";
      :units = "centimeter";
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double DXU(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "x-spacing centered at U points";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :coordinates = "ULONG ULAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double DYU(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "y-spacing centered at U points";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :coordinates = "ULONG ULAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double DXT(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "x-spacing centered at T points";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double DYT(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "y-spacing centered at T points";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double HTN(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "cell widths on North sides of T cell";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double HTE(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "cell widths on East sides of T cell";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double HUS(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "cell widths on South sides of U cell";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :coordinates = "ULONG ULAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double HUW(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "cell widths on West sides of U cell";
      :units = "centimeters";
      :coordinates = "ULONG ULAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double ANGLE(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "angle grid makes with latitude line";
      :units = "radians";
      :coordinates = "ULONG ULAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double ANGLET(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "angle grid makes with latitude line on T grid";
      :units = "radians";
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384, 320; // int

    double days_in_norm_year;
      :long_name = "Calendar Length";
      :units = "days";

    double grav;
      :long_name = "Acceleration Due to Gravity";
      :units = "centimeter/s^2";

    double omega;
      :long_name = "Earths Angular Velocity";
      :units = "1/second";

    double radius;
      :long_name = "Earths Radius";
      :units = "centimeters";

    double cp_sw;
      :long_name = "Specific Heat of Sea Water";
      :units = "erg/g/K";

    double sound;
      :long_name = "Speed of Sound";
      :units = "centimeter/s";

    double vonkar;
      :long_name = "von Karman Constant";

    double cp_air;
      :long_name = "Heat Capacity of Air";
      :units = "joule/kg/degK";

    double rho_air;
      :long_name = "Ambient Air Density";
      :units = "kg/m^3";

    double rho_sw;
      :long_name = "Density of Sea Water";
      :units = "gram/centimeter^3";

    double rho_fw;
      :long_name = "Density of Fresh Water";
      :units = "gram/centimeter^3";

    double stefan_boltzmann;
      :long_name = "Stefan-Boltzmann Constant";
      :units = "watt/m^2/degK^4";

    double latent_heat_vapor;
      :long_name = "Latent Heat of Vaporization";
      :units = "J/kg";

    double latent_heat_fusion;
      :long_name = "Latent Heat of Fusion";
      :units = "erg/g";

    double latent_heat_fusion_mks;
      :long_name = "Latent Heat of Fusion";
      :units = "J/kg";

    double ocn_ref_salinity;
      :long_name = "Ocean Reference Salinity";
      :units = "g/kg";

    double sea_ice_salinity;
      :long_name = "Salinity of Sea Ice";
      :units = "g/kg";

    double T0_Kelvin;
      :long_name = "Zero Point for Celsius";
      :units = "degK";

    double salt_to_ppt;
      :long_name = "Convert Salt in gram/gram to g/kg";

    double ppt_to_salt;
      :long_name = "Convert Salt in g/kg to gram/gram";

    double mass_to_Sv;
      :long_name = "Convert Mass Flux to Sverdrups";

    double heat_to_PW;
      :long_name = "Convert Heat Flux to Petawatts";

    double salt_to_Svppt;
      :long_name = "Convert Salt Flux to Sverdrups*g/kg";

    double salt_to_mmday;
      :long_name = "Convert Salt to Water (millimeters/day)";

    double momentum_factor;
      :long_name = "Convert Windstress to Velocity Flux";

    double hflux_factor;
      :long_name = "Convert Heat and Solar Flux to Temperature Flux";

    double fwflux_factor;
      :long_name = "Convert Net Fresh Water Flux to Salt Flux (in model units)";

    double salinity_factor;

    double sflux_factor;
      :long_name = "Convert Salt Flux to Salt Flux (in model units)";

    double nsurface_t;
      :long_name = "Number of Ocean T Points at Surface";

    double nsurface_u;
      :long_name = "Number of Ocean U Points at Surface";

    double time_bound(time=756, d2=2);
      :long_name = "boundaries for time-averaging interval";
      :units = "days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";
      :_ChunkSizes = 1, 2; // int

    double time(time=756);
      :long_name = "time";
      :units = "days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00";
      :bounds = "time_bound";
      :calendar = "noleap";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";
      :_ChunkSizes = 512; // int

    float SiO2_FLUX_IN(time=756, z_t=60, nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :long_name = "SiO2 Flux into Cell";
      :units = "mmol/m^3 cm/s";
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT z_t ";
      :grid_loc = "3111";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";
      :missing_value = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :_ChunkSizes = 1, 30, 192, 160; // int

  // global attributes:
  :title = "g.e22.GOMIPECOIAF_JRA-1p4-2018.TL319_g17.SMYLE.005";
  :history = "Tue Feb  1 17:17:38 2022: ncrcat ../FINISHED/\nnone";
  :Conventions = "CF-1.0;";
  :time_period_freq = "month_1";
  :model_doi_url = "";
  :contents = "Diagnostic and Prognostic Variables";
  :source = "CCSM POP2, the CCSM Ocean Component";
  :revision = "$Id$";
  :calendar = "All years have exactly  365 days.";
  :start_time = "This dataset was created on 2020-11-04 at 21:41:45.3";
  :cell_methods = "cell_methods = time: mean ==> the variable values are averaged over the time interval between the previous time coordinate and the current one.          cell_methods  absent  ==> the variable values are at the time given by the current time coordinate.";
  :NCO = "netCDF Operators version 4.9.5 (Homepage =, Code =";