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CESM2.1 run f.e21.FWHISTBgcCrop.f09_f09_mg17.CMIP6-AMIP-WACCM.001, Atmosphere Post Processed Data, Daily Averages, version 1

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daily_ave - Daily Average
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Name Description Units Standard Name Standard Name Vocabulary
ACTNL Average Cloud Top droplet number m-3 Average Cloud Top droplet number CF-1.0
ACTREL Average Cloud Top droplet effective radius Micron Average Cloud Top droplet effective radius CF-1.0
ap Daily planetary A geomagnetic index None Daily planetary A geomagnetic index CF-1.0
BURDENBCdn Black carbon aerosol burden, day night kg/m2 Black carbon aerosol burden, day night CF-1.0
BURDENDUSTdn Dust aerosol burden, day night kg/m2 Dust aerosol burden, day night CF-1.0
BURDENPOMdn POM aerosol burden, day night kg/m2 POM aerosol burden, day night CF-1.0
BURDENSEASALTdn Seasalt aerosol burden, day night kg/m2 Seasalt aerosol burden, day night CF-1.0
BURDENSO4dn Sulfate aerosol burden, day night kg/m2 Sulfate aerosol burden, day night CF-1.0
BURDENSOAdn SOA aerosol burden, day night kg/m2 SOA aerosol burden, day night CF-1.0
BUTGWSPEC Beres (deep) U tendency - gravity wave spectrum m/s2 Beres (deep) U tendency - gravity wave spectrum CF-1.0
CDNUMC Vertically-integrated droplet concentration 1/m2 Vertically-integrated droplet concentration CF-1.0
ch4vmr ch4 volume mixing ratio None ch4 volume mixing ratio CF-1.0
CLDICE Grid box averaged cloud ice amount kg/kg Grid box averaged cloud ice amount CF-1.0
CLDLIQ Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount kg/kg Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount CF-1.0
CLDTOT Vertically-integrated total cloud fraction Vertically-integrated total cloud CF-1.0
CLOUD Cloud fraction fraction Cloud fraction CF-1.0
CMFMC Moist convection (deep+shallow) mass flux kg/m2/s Moist convection (deep+shallow) mass flux CF-1.0
CMFMCDZM Convection mass flux from ZM deep kg/m2/s Convection mass flux from ZM deep CF-1.0
f107 10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7) 10^-22 W m^-2 Hz^-1 10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7) CF-1.0
f107a 81-day centered mean of 10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7) None 81-day centered mean of 10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7) CF-1.0
f107p Pervious day 10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7) None Pervious day 10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7) CF-1.0
f11vmr f11 volume mixing ratio None f11 volume mixing ratio CF-1.0
f12vmr f12 volume mixing ratio None f12 volume mixing ratio CF-1.0
FCTL Fractional occurrence of cloud top liquid fraction Fractional occurrence of cloud top liquid CF-1.0
FLDS Downwelling longwave flux at surface W/m2 Downwelling longwave flux at surface CF-1.0
FLDSC Clearsky Downwelling longwave flux at surface W/m2 Clearsky Downwelling longwave flux at surface CF-1.0
FLNR Net longwave flux at tropopause W/m2 Net longwave flux at tropopause CF-1.0
FLNS Net longwave flux at surface W/m2 Net longwave flux at surface CF-1.0
FLNSC Clearsky net longwave flux at surface W/m2 Clearsky net longwave flux at surface CF-1.0
FLNT Net longwave flux at top of model W/m2 Net longwave flux at top of model CF-1.0
FLNTC Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model W/m2 Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model CF-1.0
FLUT Upwelling longwave flux at top of model W/m2 Upwelling longwave flux at top of model CF-1.0
FLUTC Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model W/m2 Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model CF-1.0
FSDS Downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 Downwelling solar flux at surface CF-1.0
FSDSC Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface CF-1.0
FSNR Net solar flux at tropopause W/m2 Net solar flux at tropopause CF-1.0
FSNS Net solar flux at surface W/m2 Net solar flux at surface CF-1.0
FSNSC Clearsky net solar flux at surface W/m2 Clearsky net solar flux at surface CF-1.0
FSNTOA Net solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 Net solar flux at top of atmosphere CF-1.0
FSNTOAC Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere CF-1.0
kp Daily planetary K geomagnetic index None Daily planetary K geomagnetic index CF-1.0
LHFLX Surface latent heat flux W/m2 Surface latent heat flux CF-1.0
MASS mass of grid box kg mass of grid box CF-1.0
MSKtem TEM mask 1 TEM mask CF-1.0
n2ovmr n2o volume mixing ratio None n2o volume mixing ratio CF-1.0
O3 O3 concentration mol/mol O3 concentration CF-1.0
OMEGA Vertical velocity (pressure) Pa/s Vertical velocity (pressure) CF-1.0
OMEGA500 Vertical velocity at 500 mbar pressure surface Pa/s Vertical velocity at 500 mbar pressure surface CF-1.0
PBLH PBL height m PBL height CF-1.0
PDELDRY Dry pressure difference between levels Pa Dry pressure difference between levels CF-1.0
PHIS Surface geopotential m2/s2 Surface geopotential CF-1.0
PM25_SRF surface PM2.5 concentration kg/m3 surface PM2.5 concentration CF-1.0
PRECC Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) CF-1.0
PRECT Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) CF-1.0
PS Surface pressure Pa Surface pressure CF-1.0
PSL Sea level pressure Pa Sea level pressure CF-1.0
Q Specific humidity kg/kg Specific humidity CF-1.0
QREFHT Reference height humidity kg/kg Reference height humidity CF-1.0
QSNOW Diagnostic grid-mean snow mixing ratio kg/kg Diagnostic grid-mean snow mixing ratio CF-1.0
RELHUM Relative humidity percent Relative humidity CF-1.0
RHREFHT Reference height relative humidity fraction Reference height relative humidity CF-1.0
SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux W/m2 Surface sensible heat flux CF-1.0
SOLIN Solar insolation W/m2 Solar insolation CF-1.0
SOLLD Solar downward near infrared diffuse to surface W/m2 Solar downward near infrared diffuse to surface CF-1.0
SOLSD Solar downward visible diffuse to surface W/m2 Solar downward visible diffuse to surface CF-1.0
sol_tsi total solar irradiance W/m2 total solar irradiance CF-1.0
T Temperature K Temperature CF-1.0
T500 Temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface K Temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface CF-1.0
T700 Temperature at 700 mbar pressure surface K Temperature at 700 mbar pressure surface CF-1.0
T850 Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface K Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface CF-1.0
TAUBLJX Zonal integrated drag from Beljaars SGO N/m2 Zonal integrated drag from Beljaars SGO CF-1.0
TAUBLJY Meridional integrated drag from Beljaars SGO N/m2 Meridional integrated drag from Beljaars SGO CF-1.0
TAUGWX Zonal gravity wave surface stress N/m2 Zonal gravity wave surface stress CF-1.0
TAUGWY Meridional gravity wave surface stress N/m2 Meridional gravity wave surface stress CF-1.0
TAUX Zonal surface stress N/m2 Zonal surface stress CF-1.0
TAUY Meridional surface stress N/m2 Meridional surface stress CF-1.0
TGCLDIWP Total grid-box cloud ice water path kg/m2 Total grid-box cloud ice water path CF-1.0
TGCLDLWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path kg/m2 Total grid-box cloud liquid water path CF-1.0
THzm Zonal-Mean potential temp - defined on ilev K Zonal-Mean potential temp - defined on ilev CF-1.0
TMQ Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water kg/m2 Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water CF-1.0
TREFHT Reference height temperature K Reference height temperature CF-1.0
TREFHTMN Minimum reference height temperature over output period K Minimum reference height temperature over output period CF-1.0
TREFHTMX Maximum reference height temperature over output period K Maximum reference height temperature over output period CF-1.0
TS Surface temperature (radiative) K Surface temperature (radiative) CF-1.0
TSMN Minimum surface temperature over output period K Minimum surface temperature over output period CF-1.0
TSMX Maximum surface temperature over output period K Maximum surface temperature over output period CF-1.0
U Zonal wind m/s Zonal wind CF-1.0
U10 10m wind speed m/s 10m wind speed CF-1.0
UTGWORO U tendency - orographic gravity wave drag m/s2 U tendency - orographic gravity wave drag CF-1.0
UTGWSPEC C&M U tendency - gravity wave spectrum m/s2 C&M U tendency - gravity wave spectrum CF-1.0
UVzm Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean M2/S2 Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean CF-1.0
UWzm Vertical Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean M2/S2 Vertical Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean CF-1.0
Uzm Zonal-Mean zonal wind - defined on ilev M/S Zonal-Mean zonal wind - defined on ilev CF-1.0
V Meridional wind m/s Meridional wind CF-1.0
VTHzm Meridional Heat Flux: 3D zon. mean MK/S Meridional Heat Flux: 3D zon. mean CF-1.0
Vzm Zonal-Mean meridional wind - defined on ilev M/S Zonal-Mean meridional wind - defined on ilev CF-1.0
Wzm Zonal-Mean vertical wind - defined on ilev M/S Zonal-Mean vertical wind - defined on ilev CF-1.0
Z3 Geopotential Height (above sea level) m Geopotential Height (above sea level) CF-1.0
Z500 Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface m Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface CF-1.0
zlon longitude degrees_east longitude CF-1.0
zlon_bnds zlon bounds degrees_east zlon bounds CF-1.0
Date Created
2018-12-08 08:05:34
Date Last Updated
2020-11-10 16:40:57
Version Date Publisher Published State Source
1 2018-12-08 08:05:34 Ilana Stern Retracted