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CESM2.1 run b.e21.B1850.f09_g17.CMIP6-piControl.001, Ocean Post Processed Data, Monthly Averages, version 1

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Name Description Units Standard Name Standard Name Vocabulary
ABIO_ALK_SURF Abiotic Surface Alkalinity neq/cm3 Abiotic Surface Alkalinity CF-1.0
ABIO_D14Catm Abiotic atmospheric Delta C14 in permil permil Abiotic atmospheric Delta C14 in permil CF-1.0
ABIO_D14Cocn Abiotic oceanic Delta C14 in permil permil Abiotic oceanic Delta C14 in permil CF-1.0
ABIO_DIC14 ABIO_DIC14 nmol/cm^3 ABIO_DIC14 CF-1.0
ABIO_pCO2 Abiotic CO2 atmospheric partial pressure ppm Abiotic CO2 atmospheric partial pressure CF-1.0
ABIO_PH_SURF Abiotic Surface PH none Abiotic Surface PH CF-1.0
ADV_3D_SALT SALT Advection Tendency gram/kilogram/s SALT Advection Tendency CF-1.0
ADV_3D_TEMP TEMP Advection Tendency degC/s TEMP Advection Tendency CF-1.0
ADVS Vertically-Integrated S Advection Tendency centimeter gram/kilogram/s Vertically-Integrated S Advection Tendency CF-1.0
ADVS_ISOP Vertically-Integrated S Eddy-Induced Advection Tendency (diagnostic) cm gram/kilogram/s Vertically-Integrated S Eddy-Induced Advection Tendency (diagnostic) CF-1.0
ADVS_SUBM Vertically-Integrated S submeso Advection Tendency (diagnostic) cm gram/kilogram/s Vertically-Integrated S submeso Advection Tendency (diagnostic) CF-1.0
ADVT Vertically-Integrated T Advection Tendency centimeter degC/s Vertically-Integrated T Advection Tendency CF-1.0
ADVT_ISOP Vertically-Integrated T Eddy-Induced Advection Tendency (diagnostic) cm degC/s Vertically-Integrated T Eddy-Induced Advection Tendency (diagnostic) CF-1.0
ADVT_SUBM Vertically-Integrated T submeso Advection Tendency (diagnostic) cm degC/s Vertically-Integrated T submeso Advection Tendency (diagnostic) CF-1.0
ALK Alkalinity meq/m^3 Alkalinity CF-1.0
ALK_ALT_CO2 Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 meq/m^3 Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 CF-1.0
ALK_ALT_CO2_RESTORE_TEND Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Restoring Tendency meq/m^3/s Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Restoring Tendency CF-1.0
ALK_ALT_CO2_RIV_FLUX Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Riverine Flux meq/m^3 cm/s Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Riverine Flux CF-1.0
ALK_RESTORE_TEND Alkalinity Restoring Tendency meq/m^3/s Alkalinity Restoring Tendency CF-1.0
ALK_RIV_FLUX Alkalinity Riverine Flux meq/m^3 cm/s Alkalinity Riverine Flux CF-1.0
AOU Apparent O2 Utilization mmol/m^3 Apparent O2 Utilization CF-1.0
ATM_ALT_CO2 Atmospheric Alternative CO2 ppmv Atmospheric Alternative CO2 CF-1.0
ATM_CO2 Atmospheric CO2 ppmv Atmospheric CO2 CF-1.0
BSF Diagnostic barotropic streamfunction Sv Diagnostic barotropic streamfunction CF-1.0
bSi_form Total Si Uptake mmol/m^3/s Total Si Uptake CF-1.0
bsiToSed biogenic Si Flux to Sediments nmol/cm^2/s biogenic Si Flux to Sediments CF-1.0
CaCO3_FLUX_100m CaCO3 Flux at 100m mmol/m^3 cm/s CaCO3 Flux at 100m CF-1.0
CaCO3_form_zint Total CaCO3 Formation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Total CaCO3 Formation Vertical Integral CF-1.0
CaCO3_form_zint_100m Total CaCO3 Formation Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Total CaCO3 Formation Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
CaCO3_PROD_zint Vertical Integral of CaCO3 Production mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of CaCO3 Production CF-1.0
CaCO3_PROD_zint_100m Vertical Integral of CaCO3 Production, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of CaCO3 Production, 0-100m CF-1.0
CaCO3_REMIN_zint Vertical Integral of CaCO3 Remineralization mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of CaCO3 Remineralization CF-1.0
CaCO3_REMIN_zint_100m Vertical Integral of CaCO3 Remineralization, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of CaCO3 Remineralization, 0-100m CF-1.0
calcToSed CaCO3 Flux to Sediments nmol/cm^2/s CaCO3 Flux to Sediments CF-1.0
calcToSed_ALT_CO2 CaCO3 Flux to Sediments, Alternative CO2 nmol/cm^2/s CaCO3 Flux to Sediments, Alternative CO2 CF-1.0
CO2STAR CO2 Star mmol/m^3 CO2 Star CF-1.0
CO2STAR_ALT_CO2 CO2 Star, Alternative CO2 mmol/m^3 CO2 Star, Alternative CO2 CF-1.0
CO3 Carbonate Ion Concentration mmol/m^3 Carbonate Ion Concentration CF-1.0
co3_sat_arag CO3 concentration at aragonite saturation mmol/m^3 CO3 concentration at aragonite saturation CF-1.0
co3_sat_calc CO3 concentration at calcite saturation mmol/m^3 CO3 concentration at calcite saturation CF-1.0
DCO2STAR D CO2 Star mmol/m^3 D CO2 Star CF-1.0
DCO2STAR_ALT_CO2 D CO2 Star, Alternative CO2 mmol/m^3 D CO2 Star, Alternative CO2 CF-1.0
DENITRIF Denitrification mmol/m^3/s Denitrification CF-1.0
DIA_DEPTH Depth of the Diabatic Region at the Surface cm Depth of the Diabatic Region at the Surface CF-1.0
DIA_IMPVF_SALT SALT Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing gram/kilogram cm/s SALT Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing CF-1.0
DIA_IMPVF_TEMP TEMP Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing degC cm/s TEMP Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing CF-1.0
diat_agg Diatom Aggregation mmol/m^3/s Diatom Aggregation CF-1.0
diat_agg_zint Diatom Aggregation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Aggregation Vertical Integral CF-1.0
diat_agg_zint_100m Diatom Aggregation Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Aggregation Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
diatC Diatom Carbon mmol/m^3 Diatom Carbon CF-1.0
diatChl Diatom Chlorophyll mg/m^3 Diatom Chlorophyll CF-1.0
diatFe Diatom Iron mmol/m^3 Diatom Iron CF-1.0
diat_Fe_lim_Cweight_avg_100m Diatom Fe Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m 1 Diatom Fe Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m CF-1.0
diat_Fe_lim_surf Diatom Fe Limitation, Surface 1 Diatom Fe Limitation, Surface CF-1.0
diat_light_lim_Cweight_avg_100m Diatom Light Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m 1 Diatom Light Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m CF-1.0
diat_light_lim_surf Diatom Light Limitation, Surface 1 Diatom Light Limitation, Surface CF-1.0
diat_loss_doc_zint Diatom Loss to DOC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Loss to DOC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
diat_loss_doc_zint_100m Diatom Loss to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Loss to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
diat_loss_poc_zint Diatom Loss to POC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Loss to POC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
diat_loss_poc_zint_100m Diatom Loss to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Loss to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
diat_loss_zint Diatom Loss Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Loss Vertical Integral CF-1.0
diat_loss_zint_100m Diatom Loss Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Loss Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
diat_N_lim_Cweight_avg_100m Diatom N Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m 1 Diatom N Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m CF-1.0
diat_N_lim_surf Diatom N Limitation, Surface 1 Diatom N Limitation, Surface CF-1.0
diatP Diatom Phosphorus mmol/m^3 Diatom Phosphorus CF-1.0
diat_P_lim_Cweight_avg_100m Diatom P Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m 1 Diatom P Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m CF-1.0
diat_P_lim_surf Diatom P Limitation, Surface 1 Diatom P Limitation, Surface CF-1.0
diat_Qp Diatom P:C ratio 1 Diatom P:C ratio CF-1.0
diatSi Diatom Silicon mmol/m^3 Diatom Silicon CF-1.0
diat_SiO3_lim_Cweight_avg_100m Diatom SiO3 Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m 1 Diatom SiO3 Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m CF-1.0
diat_SiO3_lim_surf Diatom SiO3 Limitation, Surface 1 Diatom SiO3 Limitation, Surface CF-1.0
diaz_agg Diazotroph Aggregation mmol/m^3/s Diazotroph Aggregation CF-1.0
diaz_agg_zint Diazotroph Aggregation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Aggregation Vertical Integral CF-1.0
diaz_agg_zint_100m Diazotroph Aggregation Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Aggregation Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
diazC Diazotroph Carbon mmol/m^3 Diazotroph Carbon CF-1.0
diazChl Diazotroph Chlorophyll mg/m^3 Diazotroph Chlorophyll CF-1.0
diazFe Diazotroph Iron mmol/m^3 Diazotroph Iron CF-1.0
diaz_Fe_lim_Cweight_avg_100m Diazotroph Fe Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m 1 Diazotroph Fe Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m CF-1.0
diaz_Fe_lim_surf Diazotroph Fe Limitation, Surface 1 Diazotroph Fe Limitation, Surface CF-1.0
diaz_light_lim_Cweight_avg_100m Diazotroph Light Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m 1 Diazotroph Light Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m CF-1.0
diaz_light_lim_surf Diazotroph Light Limitation, Surface 1 Diazotroph Light Limitation, Surface CF-1.0
diaz_loss_doc_zint Diazotroph Loss to DOC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Loss to DOC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
diaz_loss_doc_zint_100m Diazotroph Loss to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Loss to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
diaz_loss_poc_zint Diazotroph Loss to POC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Loss to POC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
diaz_loss_poc_zint_100m Diazotroph Loss to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Loss to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
diaz_loss_zint Diazotroph Loss Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Loss Vertical Integral CF-1.0
diaz_loss_zint_100m Diazotroph Loss Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Loss Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
diaz_Nfix Diazotroph N Fixation mmol/m^3/s Diazotroph N Fixation CF-1.0
diazP Diazotroph Phosphorus mmol/m^3 Diazotroph Phosphorus CF-1.0
diaz_P_lim_Cweight_avg_100m Diazotroph P Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m 1 Diazotroph P Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m CF-1.0
diaz_P_lim_surf Diazotroph P Limitation, Surface 1 Diazotroph P Limitation, Surface CF-1.0
diaz_Qp Diazotroph P:C ratio 1 Diazotroph P:C ratio CF-1.0
DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon mmol/m^3 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon CF-1.0
DIC_ALT_CO2 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 mmol/m^3 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 CF-1.0
DIC_ALT_CO2_RIV_FLUX Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 Riverine Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 Riverine Flux CF-1.0
DIC_RIV_FLUX Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Riverine Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Riverine Flux CF-1.0
DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon mmol/m^3 Dissolved Organic Carbon CF-1.0
DOC_prod DOC Production mmol/m^3/s DOC Production CF-1.0
DOC_prod_zint Vertical Integral of DOC Production mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of DOC Production CF-1.0
DOC_prod_zint_100m Vertical Integral of DOC Production, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of DOC Production, 0-100m CF-1.0
DOCr Refractory DOC mmol/m^3 Refractory DOC CF-1.0
DOC_remin_zint Vertical Integral of DOC Remineralization mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of DOC Remineralization CF-1.0
DOC_remin_zint_100m Vertical Integral of DOC Remineralization, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of DOC Remineralization, 0-100m CF-1.0
DOC_RIV_FLUX Dissolved Organic Carbon Riverine Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Organic Carbon Riverine Flux CF-1.0
DOCr_remin_zint Vertical Integral of DOCr Remineralization mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of DOCr Remineralization CF-1.0
DOCr_remin_zint_100m Vertical Integral of DOCr Remineralization, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of DOCr Remineralization, 0-100m CF-1.0
DOCr_RIV_FLUX Refractory DOC Riverine Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s Refractory DOC Riverine Flux CF-1.0
DON Dissolved Organic Nitrogen mmol/m^3 Dissolved Organic Nitrogen CF-1.0
DON_prod DON Production mmol/m^3/s DON Production CF-1.0
DONr Refractory DON mmol/m^3 Refractory DON CF-1.0
DON_RIV_FLUX Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Riverine Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Riverine Flux CF-1.0
DONr_RIV_FLUX Refractory DON Riverine Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s Refractory DON Riverine Flux CF-1.0
DOP Dissolved Organic Phosphorus mmol/m^3 Dissolved Organic Phosphorus CF-1.0
DOP_diat_uptake Diatom DOP Uptake mmol/m^3/s Diatom DOP Uptake CF-1.0
DOP_diaz_uptake Diazotroph DOP Uptake mmol/m^3/s Diazotroph DOP Uptake CF-1.0
DOP_prod DOP Production mmol/m^3/s DOP Production CF-1.0
DOPr Refractory DOP mmol/m^3 Refractory DOP CF-1.0
DOP_RIV_FLUX Dissolved Organic Phosphorus Riverine Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Organic Phosphorus Riverine Flux CF-1.0
DOPr_RIV_FLUX Refractory DOP Riverine Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s Refractory DOP Riverine Flux CF-1.0
DOP_sp_uptake Small Phyto DOP Uptake mmol/m^3/s Small Phyto DOP Uptake CF-1.0
DpCO2 D pCO2 ppmv D pCO2 CF-1.0
DpCO2_ALT_CO2 D pCO2, Alternative CO2 ppmv D pCO2, Alternative CO2 CF-1.0
dTEMP_NEG_2D min neg column temperature timestep diff degC min neg column temperature timestep diff CF-1.0
dTEMP_POS_2D max pos column temperature timestep diff degC max pos column temperature timestep diff CF-1.0
dust_FLUX_IN Dust Flux into Cell g/cm^2/s Dust Flux into Cell CF-1.0
dust_REMIN Dust Remineralization g/cm^3/s Dust Remineralization CF-1.0
dustToSed dust Flux to Sediments g/cm^2/s dust Flux to Sediments CF-1.0
ECOSYS_ATM_PRESS Atmospheric Pressure for ecosys fluxes atmospheres Atmospheric Pressure for ecosys fluxes CF-1.0
ECOSYS_IFRAC Ice Fraction for ecosys fluxes fraction Ice Fraction for ecosys fluxes CF-1.0
ECOSYS_XKW XKW for ecosys fluxes cm/s XKW for ecosys fluxes CF-1.0
EVAP_F Evaporation Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s Evaporation Flux from Coupler CF-1.0
Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron mmol/m^3 Dissolved Inorganic Iron CF-1.0
Fefree Fe not bound to Ligand mmol/m^3 Fe not bound to Ligand CF-1.0
Fe_RIV_FLUX Dissolved Inorganic Iron Riverine Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Iron Riverine Flux CF-1.0
Fe_scavenge Iron Scavenging mmol/m^3/s Iron Scavenging CF-1.0
Fe_scavenge_rate Iron Scavenging Rate 1/y Iron Scavenging Rate CF-1.0
FG_ABIO_DIC Surface gas flux of abiotic DIC nmol/cm^2/s Surface gas flux of abiotic DIC CF-1.0
FG_ABIO_DIC14 Surface gas flux of abiotic DIC14 nmol/cm^2/s Surface gas flux of abiotic DIC14 CF-1.0
FG_ALT_CO2 DIC Surface Gas Flux, Alternative CO2 mmol/m^3 cm/s DIC Surface Gas Flux, Alternative CO2 CF-1.0
FG_CO2 DIC Surface Gas Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s DIC Surface Gas Flux CF-1.0
FRACR_BIN_01 fraction of ocean cell occupied by mcog bin 01 for radiative terms 1 fraction of ocean cell occupied by mcog bin 01 for radiative terms CF-1.0
FRACR_BIN_02 fraction of ocean cell occupied by mcog bin 02 for radiative terms 1 fraction of ocean cell occupied by mcog bin 02 for radiative terms CF-1.0
FRACR_BIN_03 fraction of ocean cell occupied by mcog bin 03 for radiative terms 1 fraction of ocean cell occupied by mcog bin 03 for radiative terms CF-1.0
FRACR_BIN_04 fraction of ocean cell occupied by mcog bin 04 for radiative terms 1 fraction of ocean cell occupied by mcog bin 04 for radiative terms CF-1.0
FRACR_BIN_05 fraction of ocean cell occupied by mcog bin 05 for radiative terms 1 fraction of ocean cell occupied by mcog bin 05 for radiative terms CF-1.0
FRACR_BIN_06 fraction of ocean cell occupied by mcog bin 06 for radiative terms 1 fraction of ocean cell occupied by mcog bin 06 for radiative terms CF-1.0
FvICE_ABIO_DIC ABIO_DIC Virtual Surface Flux, ICE nmol/cm^2/s ABIO_DIC Virtual Surface Flux, ICE CF-1.0
FvICE_ABIO_DIC14 ABIO_DIC14 Virtual Surface Flux, ICE nmol/cm^2/s ABIO_DIC14 Virtual Surface Flux, ICE CF-1.0
FvICE_ALK Alkalinity Virtual Surface Flux, ICE meq/m^3 cm/s Alkalinity Virtual Surface Flux, ICE CF-1.0
FvICE_ALK_ALT_CO2 Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Virtual Surface Flux, ICE meq/m^3 cm/s Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Virtual Surface Flux, ICE CF-1.0
FvICE_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Virtual Surface Flux, ICE mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Virtual Surface Flux, ICE CF-1.0
FvICE_DIC_ALT_CO2 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 Virtual Surface Flux, ICE mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 Virtual Surface Flux, ICE CF-1.0
FvPER_ABIO_DIC ABIO_DIC Virtual Surface Flux, PER nmol/cm^2/s ABIO_DIC Virtual Surface Flux, PER CF-1.0
FvPER_ABIO_DIC14 ABIO_DIC14 Virtual Surface Flux, PER nmol/cm^2/s ABIO_DIC14 Virtual Surface Flux, PER CF-1.0
FvPER_ALK Alkalinity Virtual Surface Flux, PER meq/m^3 cm/s Alkalinity Virtual Surface Flux, PER CF-1.0
FvPER_ALK_ALT_CO2 Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Virtual Surface Flux, PER meq/m^3 cm/s Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Virtual Surface Flux, PER CF-1.0
FvPER_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Virtual Surface Flux, PER mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Virtual Surface Flux, PER CF-1.0
FvPER_DIC_ALT_CO2 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 Virtual Surface Flux, PER mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 Virtual Surface Flux, PER CF-1.0
FW Freshwater Flux centimeter/s Freshwater Flux CF-1.0
graze_diat_doc_zint Diatom Grazing to DOC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Grazing to DOC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
graze_diat_doc_zint_100m Diatom Grazing to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Grazing to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
graze_diat_poc_zint Diatom Grazing to POC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Grazing to POC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
graze_diat_poc_zint_100m Diatom Grazing to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Grazing to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
graze_diat_zint Diatom Grazing Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Grazing Vertical Integral CF-1.0
graze_diat_zint_100m Diatom Grazing Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Grazing Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
graze_diat_zoo_zint Diatom Grazing to ZOO Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Grazing to ZOO Vertical Integral CF-1.0
graze_diat_zoo_zint_100m Diatom Grazing to ZOO Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom Grazing to ZOO Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
graze_diaz_doc_zint Diazotroph Grazing to DOC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Grazing to DOC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
graze_diaz_doc_zint_100m Diazotroph Grazing to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Grazing to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
graze_diaz_poc_zint Diazotroph Grazing to POC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Grazing to POC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
graze_diaz_poc_zint_100m Diazotroph Grazing to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Grazing to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
graze_diaz_zint Diazotroph Grazing Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Grazing Vertical Integral CF-1.0
graze_diaz_zint_100m Diazotroph Grazing Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Grazing Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
graze_diaz_zoo_zint Diazotroph Grazing to ZOO Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Grazing to ZOO Vertical Integral CF-1.0
graze_diaz_zoo_zint_100m Diazotroph Grazing to ZOO Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph Grazing to ZOO Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
graze_sp_doc_zint Small Phyto Grazing to DOC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Grazing to DOC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
graze_sp_doc_zint_100m Small Phyto Grazing to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Grazing to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
graze_sp_poc_zint Small Phyto Grazing to POC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Grazing to POC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
graze_sp_poc_zint_100m Small Phyto Grazing to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Grazing to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
graze_sp_zint Small Phyto Grazing Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Grazing Vertical Integral CF-1.0
graze_sp_zint_100m Small Phyto Grazing Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Grazing Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
graze_sp_zoo_zint Small Phyto Grazing to ZOO Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Grazing to ZOO Vertical Integral CF-1.0
graze_sp_zoo_zint_100m Small Phyto Grazing to ZOO Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Grazing to ZOO Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
H2CO3 Carbonic Acid Concentration mmol/m^3 Carbonic Acid Concentration CF-1.0
HBLT Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter Boundary-Layer Depth CF-1.0
HCO3 Bicarbonate Ion Concentration mmol/m^3 Bicarbonate Ion Concentration CF-1.0
HDIFS Vertically Integrated Horz Diff S tendency centimeter gram/kilogram/s Vertically Integrated Horz Diff S tendency CF-1.0
HDIFT Vertically Integrated Horz Mix T tendency centimeter degC/s Vertically Integrated Horz Mix T tendency CF-1.0
HLS_SUBM Horizontal length scale used in submeso cm Horizontal length scale used in submeso CF-1.0
HMXL Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter Mixed-Layer Depth CF-1.0
HMXL_DR Mixed-Layer Depth (density) centimeter Mixed-Layer Depth (density) CF-1.0
HMXL_DR2 Mixed-Layer Depth squared (density) centimeter^2 Mixed-Layer Depth squared (density) CF-1.0
HOR_DIFF Horizontal diffusion coefficient cm^2/s Horizontal diffusion coefficient CF-1.0
IAGE Ideal Age years Ideal Age CF-1.0
IFRAC Ice Fraction from Coupler fraction Ice Fraction from Coupler CF-1.0
insitu_temp in situ temperature degC in situ temperature CF-1.0
INT_DEPTH Depth at which the Interior Region Starts cm Depth at which the Interior Region Starts CF-1.0
IOFF_F Ice Runoff Flux from Coupler due to Land-Model Snow Capping kg/m^2/s Ice Runoff Flux from Coupler due to Land-Model Snow Capping CF-1.0
IRON_FLUX Atmospheric Iron Flux mmol/m^2/s Atmospheric Iron Flux CF-1.0
ISOP_ADV_TEND_SALT Eddy-induced advective tendency for SALT gram/kilogram/s Eddy-induced advective tendency for SALT CF-1.0
ISOP_ADV_TEND_TEMP Eddy-induced advective tendency for TEMP degC/s Eddy-induced advective tendency for TEMP CF-1.0
J_ABIO_DIC14 ABIO_DIC14 Source Sink Term nmol/cm^3/s ABIO_DIC14 Source Sink Term CF-1.0
J_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Source Sink Term CF-1.0
J_DIC_ALT_CO2 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 Source Sink Term CF-1.0
Jint_100m_ALK Alkalinity Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m meq/m^3 cm/s Alkalinity Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
Jint_100m_ALK_ALT_CO2 Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m meq/m^3 cm/s Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
Jint_100m_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
Jint_100m_DIC_ALT_CO2 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
Jint_100m_DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Organic Carbon Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
Jint_100m_DOCr Refractory DOC Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Refractory DOC Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
Jint_100m_Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Iron Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
Jint_100m_NH4 Dissolved Ammonia Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Ammonia Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
Jint_100m_NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
Jint_100m_O2 Dissolved Oxygen Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Oxygen Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
Jint_100m_PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
Jint_100m_SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Source Sink Term Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
Jint_ABIO_DIC14 ABIO_DIC14 Source Sink Term Vertical Integral nmol/cm^2/s ABIO_DIC14 Source Sink Term Vertical Integral CF-1.0
KAPPA_ISOP Isopycnal diffusion coefficient cm^2/s Isopycnal diffusion coefficient CF-1.0
KAPPA_THIC Thickness diffusion coefficient cm^2/s Thickness diffusion coefficient CF-1.0
KVMIX Vertical diabatic diffusivity due to Tidal Mixing + background centimeter^2/s Vertical diabatic diffusivity due to Tidal Mixing + background CF-1.0
KVMIX_M Vertical viscosity due to Tidal Mixing + background centimeter^2/s Vertical viscosity due to Tidal Mixing + background CF-1.0
latent_heat_fusion_mks Latent Heat of Fusion J/kg Latent Heat of Fusion CF-1.0
Lig Iron Binding Ligand mmol/m^3 Iron Binding Ligand CF-1.0
Lig_deg Loss of Fe-binding Ligand from Bacterial Degradation mmol/m^3/s Loss of Fe-binding Ligand from Bacterial Degradation CF-1.0
Lig_loss Loss of Fe-binding Ligand mmol/m^3/s Loss of Fe-binding Ligand CF-1.0
Lig_photochem Loss of Fe-binding Ligand from UV radiation mmol/m^3/s Loss of Fe-binding Ligand from UV radiation CF-1.0
Lig_prod Production of Fe-binding Ligand mmol/m^3/s Production of Fe-binding Ligand CF-1.0
Lig_scavenge Loss of Fe-binding Ligand from Scavenging mmol/m^3/s Loss of Fe-binding Ligand from Scavenging CF-1.0
LWDN_F Longwave Heat Flux (dn) from Coupler watt/m^2 Longwave Heat Flux (dn) from Coupler CF-1.0
LWUP_F Longwave Heat Flux (up) from Coupler watt/m^2 Longwave Heat Flux (up) from Coupler CF-1.0
MELT_F Melt Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s Melt Flux from Coupler CF-1.0
MELTH_F Melt Heat Flux from Coupler watt/m^2 Melt Heat Flux from Coupler CF-1.0
MOC Meridional Overturning Circulation Sverdrups Meridional Overturning Circulation CF-1.0
NH4 Dissolved Ammonia mmol/m^3 Dissolved Ammonia CF-1.0
N_HEAT Northward Heat Transport Pwatt Northward Heat Transport CF-1.0
NHx_SURFACE_EMIS Emission of NHx to Atmosphere nmol/cm^2/s Emission of NHx to Atmosphere CF-1.0
NHy_FLUX Flux of NHy from Atmosphere nmol/cm^2/s Flux of NHy from Atmosphere CF-1.0
NITRIF Nitrification mmol/m^3/s Nitrification CF-1.0
NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate mmol/m^3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate CF-1.0
NO3_RESTORE_TEND Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Restoring Tendency mmol/m^3/s Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Restoring Tendency CF-1.0
NO3_RIV_FLUX Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Riverine Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Riverine Flux CF-1.0
NOx_FLUX Flux of NOx from Atmosphere nmol/cm^2/s Flux of NOx from Atmosphere CF-1.0
N_SALT Northward Salt Transport gram centimeter^3/kg/s Northward Salt Transport CF-1.0
O2 Dissolved Oxygen mmol/m^3 Dissolved Oxygen CF-1.0
O2_CONSUMPTION O2 Consumption mmol/m^3/s O2 Consumption CF-1.0
O2_PRODUCTION O2 Production mmol/m^3/s O2 Production CF-1.0
O2SAT O2 Saturation mmol/m^3 O2 Saturation CF-1.0
O2_ZMIN Vertical Minimum of O2 mmol/m^3 Vertical Minimum of O2 CF-1.0
O2_ZMIN_DEPTH Depth of Vertical Minimum of O2 cm Depth of Vertical Minimum of O2 CF-1.0
PAR_avg PAR Average over Model Cell W/m^2 PAR Average over Model Cell CF-1.0
pCO2SURF surface pCO2 ppmv surface pCO2 CF-1.0
PD Potential Density Ref to Surface gram/centimeter^3 Potential Density Ref to Surface CF-1.0
pfeToSed pFe Flux to Sediments nmol/cm^2/s pFe Flux to Sediments CF-1.0
PH Surface pH 1 Surface pH CF-1.0
pH_3D pH 1 pH CF-1.0
PH_ALT_CO2 Surface pH, Alternative CO2 1 Surface pH, Alternative CO2 CF-1.0
photoC_diat_zint Diatom C Fixation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom C Fixation Vertical Integral CF-1.0
photoC_diat_zint_100m Diatom C Fixation Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diatom C Fixation Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
photoC_diaz_zint Diazotroph C Fixation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph C Fixation Vertical Integral CF-1.0
photoC_diaz_zint_100m Diazotroph C Fixation Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Diazotroph C Fixation Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
photoC_NO3_TOT Total C Fixation from NO3 mmol/m^3/s Total C Fixation from NO3 CF-1.0
photoC_NO3_TOT_zint Total C Fixation from NO3 Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Total C Fixation from NO3 Vertical Integral CF-1.0
photoC_NO3_TOT_zint_100m Total C Fixation from NO3 Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Total C Fixation from NO3 Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
photoC_sp_zint Small Phyto C Fixation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto C Fixation Vertical Integral CF-1.0
photoC_sp_zint_100m Small Phyto C Fixation Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto C Fixation Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
photoC_TOT Total C Fixation mmol/m^3/s Total C Fixation CF-1.0
photoC_TOT_zint Total C Fixation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Total C Fixation Vertical Integral CF-1.0
photoC_TOT_zint_100m Total C Fixation Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Total C Fixation Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
photoFe_diat Diatom Fe Uptake mmol/m^3/s Diatom Fe Uptake CF-1.0
photoFe_diaz Diazotroph Fe Uptake mmol/m^3/s Diazotroph Fe Uptake CF-1.0
photoFe_sp Small Phyto Fe Uptake mmol/m^3/s Small Phyto Fe Uptake CF-1.0
photoNH4_diat Diatom NH4 Uptake mmol/m^3/s Diatom NH4 Uptake CF-1.0
photoNH4_diaz Diazotroph NH4 Uptake mmol/m^3/s Diazotroph NH4 Uptake CF-1.0
photoNH4_sp Small Phyto NH4 Uptake mmol/m^3/s Small Phyto NH4 Uptake CF-1.0
photoNO3_diat Diatom NO3 Uptake mmol/m^3/s Diatom NO3 Uptake CF-1.0
photoNO3_diaz Diazotroph NO3 Uptake mmol/m^3/s Diazotroph NO3 Uptake CF-1.0
photoNO3_sp Small Phyto NO3 Uptake mmol/m^3/s Small Phyto NO3 Uptake CF-1.0
P_iron_FLUX_100m P_iron Flux at 100m mmol/m^3 cm/s P_iron Flux at 100m CF-1.0
P_iron_FLUX_IN P_iron Flux into Cell mmol/m^3 cm/s P_iron Flux into Cell CF-1.0
P_iron_PROD P_iron Production mmol/m^3/s P_iron Production CF-1.0
P_iron_REMIN P_iron Remineralization mmol/m^3/s P_iron Remineralization CF-1.0
PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate mmol/m^3 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate CF-1.0
PO4_diat_uptake Diatom PO4 Uptake mmol/m^3/s Diatom PO4 Uptake CF-1.0
PO4_diaz_uptake Diazotroph PO4 Uptake mmol/m^3/s Diazotroph PO4 Uptake CF-1.0
PO4_RESTORE_TEND Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Restoring Tendency mmol/m^3/s Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Restoring Tendency CF-1.0
PO4_RIV_FLUX Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Riverine Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Riverine Flux CF-1.0
PO4_sp_uptake Small Phyto PO4 Uptake mmol/m^3/s Small Phyto PO4 Uptake CF-1.0
POC_FLUX_100m POC Flux at 100m mmol/m^3 cm/s POC Flux at 100m CF-1.0
POC_FLUX_IN POC Flux into Cell mmol/m^3 cm/s POC Flux into Cell CF-1.0
POC_PROD POC Production mmol/m^3/s POC Production CF-1.0
POC_PROD_zint Vertical Integral of POC Production mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of POC Production CF-1.0
POC_PROD_zint_100m Vertical Integral of POC Production, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of POC Production, 0-100m CF-1.0
POC_REMIN_DIC_zint Vertical Integral of POC Remineralization routed to DIC mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of POC Remineralization routed to DIC CF-1.0
POC_REMIN_DIC_zint_100m Vertical Integral of POC Remineralization routed to DIC, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of POC Remineralization routed to DIC, 0-100m CF-1.0
POC_REMIN_DOCr_zint Vertical Integral of POC Remineralization routed to DOCr mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of POC Remineralization routed to DOCr CF-1.0
POC_REMIN_DOCr_zint_100m Vertical Integral of POC Remineralization routed to DOCr, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Vertical Integral of POC Remineralization routed to DOCr, 0-100m CF-1.0
pocToSed POC Flux to Sediments nmol/cm^2/s POC Flux to Sediments CF-1.0
ponToSed nitrogen burial Flux to Sediments nmol/cm^2/s nitrogen burial Flux to Sediments CF-1.0
POP_FLUX_100m POP Flux at 100m mmol/m^3 cm/s POP Flux at 100m CF-1.0
POP_FLUX_IN POP Flux into Cell mmol/m^3 cm/s POP Flux into Cell CF-1.0
POP_PROD POP Production mmol/m^3/s POP Production CF-1.0
popToSed phosphorus Flux to Sediments nmol/cm^2/s phosphorus Flux to Sediments CF-1.0
PREC_F Precipitation Flux from Cpl (rain+snow) kg/m^2/s Precipitation Flux from Cpl (rain+snow) CF-1.0
PV Potential Vorticity 1/s/cm Potential Vorticity CF-1.0
Q Static Stability (d(rho(p_r))/dz) gram/centimeter^4 Static Stability (d(rho(p_r))/dz) CF-1.0
QFLUX Internal Ocean Heat Flux Due to Ice Formation; heat of fusion > 0 or ice-melting potential < 0 Watts/meter^2 Internal Ocean Heat Flux Due to Ice Formation; heat of fusion > 0 or ice-melting potential < 0 CF-1.0
QSW_3D Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux watt/m^2 Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux CF-1.0
QSW_BIN_01 net shortwave into mcog bin 01 W m-2 net shortwave into mcog bin 01 CF-1.0
QSW_BIN_02 net shortwave into mcog bin 02 W m-2 net shortwave into mcog bin 02 CF-1.0
QSW_BIN_03 net shortwave into mcog bin 03 W m-2 net shortwave into mcog bin 03 CF-1.0
QSW_BIN_04 net shortwave into mcog bin 04 W m-2 net shortwave into mcog bin 04 CF-1.0
QSW_BIN_05 net shortwave into mcog bin 05 W m-2 net shortwave into mcog bin 05 CF-1.0
QSW_BIN_06 net shortwave into mcog bin 06 W m-2 net shortwave into mcog bin 06 CF-1.0
QSW_HBL Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in bndry layer watt/m^2 Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in bndry layer CF-1.0
QSW_HTP Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in top layer watt/m^2 Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in top layer CF-1.0
Redi_TEND_SALT Redi tendency for SALT gram/kilogram/s Redi tendency for SALT CF-1.0
Redi_TEND_TEMP Redi tendency for TEMP degC/s Redi tendency for TEMP CF-1.0
RESID_S Free-Surface Residual Flux (S) kg/m^2/s Free-Surface Residual Flux (S) CF-1.0
RESID_T Free-Surface Residual Flux (T) watt/m^2 Free-Surface Residual Flux (T) CF-1.0
RF_TEND_SALT Robert Filter Tendency for SALT gram/kilogram/s Robert Filter Tendency for SALT CF-1.0
RF_TEND_TEMP Robert Filter Tendency for TEMP degC/s Robert Filter Tendency for TEMP CF-1.0
RHO In-Situ Density gram/centimeter^3 In-Situ Density CF-1.0
RHO_VINT Vertical Integral of In-Situ Density gram/centimeter^2 Vertical Integral of In-Situ Density CF-1.0
ROFF_F Runoff Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s Runoff Flux from Coupler CF-1.0
SALT Salinity gram/kilogram Salinity CF-1.0
SALT_F Salt Flux from Coupler (kg of salt/m^2/s) kg/m^2/s Salt Flux from Coupler (kg of salt/m^2/s) CF-1.0
SCHMIDT_CO2 CO2 Schmidt Number 1 CO2 Schmidt Number CF-1.0
SCHMIDT_O2 O2 Schmidt Number 1 O2 Schmidt Number CF-1.0
SedDenitrif nitrogen loss in Sediments nmol/cm^2/s nitrogen loss in Sediments CF-1.0
SENH_F Sensible Heat Flux from Coupler watt/m^2 Sensible Heat Flux from Coupler CF-1.0
S_FLUX_EXCH_INTRF Vertical Salt Flux Across Upper/Lower Layer Interface (FromEBM) g/kg*cm/s Vertical Salt Flux Across Upper/Lower Layer Interface (FromEBM) CF-1.0
S_FLUX_ROFF_VSF_SRF Surface Salt Virtual Salt Flux Associated with Rivers g/kg*cm/s Surface Salt Virtual Salt Flux Associated with Rivers CF-1.0
SFWF Virtual Salt Flux in FW Flux formulation kg/m^2/s Virtual Salt Flux in FW Flux formulation CF-1.0
SFWF_WRST Virtual Salt Flux due to weak restoring kg/m^2/s Virtual Salt Flux due to weak restoring CF-1.0
SHF Total Surface Heat Flux, Including SW watt/m^2 Total Surface Heat Flux, Including SW CF-1.0
SHF_QSW Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux watt/m^2 Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux CF-1.0
SiO2_FLUX_100m SiO2 Flux at 100m mmol/m^3 cm/s SiO2 Flux at 100m CF-1.0
SiO2_FLUX_IN SiO2 Flux into Cell mmol/m^3 cm/s SiO2 Flux into Cell CF-1.0
SiO2_PROD SiO2 Production mmol/m^3/s SiO2 Production CF-1.0
SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate mmol/m^3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate CF-1.0
SiO3_RESTORE_TEND Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Restoring Tendency mmol/m^3/s Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Restoring Tendency CF-1.0
SiO3_RIV_FLUX Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Riverine Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Riverine Flux CF-1.0
SNOW_F Snow Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s Snow Flux from Coupler CF-1.0
sp_agg Small Phyto Aggregation mmol/m^3/s Small Phyto Aggregation CF-1.0
sp_agg_zint Small Phyto Aggregation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Aggregation Vertical Integral CF-1.0
sp_agg_zint_100m Small Phyto Aggregation Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Aggregation Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
spC Small Phyto Carbon mmol/m^3 Small Phyto Carbon CF-1.0
spCaCO3 Small Phyto CaCO3 mmol/m^3 Small Phyto CaCO3 CF-1.0
spChl Small Phyto Chlorophyll mg/m^3 Small Phyto Chlorophyll CF-1.0
spFe Small Phyto Iron mmol/m^3 Small Phyto Iron CF-1.0
sp_Fe_lim_Cweight_avg_100m Small Phyto Fe Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m 1 Small Phyto Fe Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m CF-1.0
sp_Fe_lim_surf Small Phyto Fe Limitation, Surface 1 Small Phyto Fe Limitation, Surface CF-1.0
sp_light_lim_Cweight_avg_100m Small Phyto Light Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m 1 Small Phyto Light Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m CF-1.0
sp_light_lim_surf Small Phyto Light Limitation, Surface 1 Small Phyto Light Limitation, Surface CF-1.0
sp_loss_doc_zint Small Phyto Loss to DOC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Loss to DOC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
sp_loss_doc_zint_100m Small Phyto Loss to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Loss to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
sp_loss_poc_zint Small Phyto Loss to POC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Loss to POC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
sp_loss_poc_zint_100m Small Phyto Loss to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Loss to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
sp_loss_zint Small Phyto Loss Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Loss Vertical Integral CF-1.0
sp_loss_zint_100m Small Phyto Loss Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Small Phyto Loss Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
sp_N_lim_Cweight_avg_100m Small Phyto N Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m 1 Small Phyto N Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m CF-1.0
sp_N_lim_surf Small Phyto N Limitation, Surface 1 Small Phyto N Limitation, Surface CF-1.0
spP Small Phyto Phosphorus mmol/m^3 Small Phyto Phosphorus CF-1.0
sp_P_lim_Cweight_avg_100m Small Phyto P Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m 1 Small Phyto P Limitation, carbon biomass weighted average over 0-100m CF-1.0
sp_P_lim_surf Small Phyto P Limitation, Surface 1 Small Phyto P Limitation, Surface CF-1.0
sp_Qp Small Phyto P:C ratio 1 Small Phyto P:C ratio CF-1.0
SSH Sea Surface Height centimeter Sea Surface Height CF-1.0
SSH2 SSH**2 cm^2 SSH**2 CF-1.0
SSS2 Sea Surface Salinity**2 (gram/kilogram)**2 Sea Surface Salinity**2 CF-1.0
STF_ABIO_DIC ABIO_DIC Surface Flux, excludes FvICE term nmol/cm^2/s ABIO_DIC Surface Flux, excludes FvICE term CF-1.0
STF_ABIO_DIC14 ABIO_DIC14 Surface Flux, excludes FvICE term nmol/cm^2/s ABIO_DIC14 Surface Flux, excludes FvICE term CF-1.0
STF_ALK Alkalinity Surface Flux, excludes FvICE term meq/m^3 cm/s Alkalinity Surface Flux, excludes FvICE term CF-1.0
STF_ALK_ALT_CO2 Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Surface Flux, excludes FvICE term meq/m^3 cm/s Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Surface Flux, excludes FvICE term CF-1.0
STF_O2 Dissolved Oxygen Surface Flux, excludes FvICE term mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Oxygen Surface Flux, excludes FvICE term CF-1.0
SU Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-x direction centimeter^2/s Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-x direction CF-1.0
SUBM_ADV_TEND_SALT Submeso advective tendency for SALT gram/kilogram/s Submeso advective tendency for SALT CF-1.0
SUBM_ADV_TEND_TEMP Submeso advective tendency for TEMP degC/s Submeso advective tendency for TEMP CF-1.0
SV Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-y direction centimeter^2/s Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-y direction CF-1.0
TAUX Windstress in grid-x direction dyne/centimeter^2 Windstress in grid-x direction CF-1.0
TAUX2 Windstress**2 in grid-x direction dyne^2/centimeter^4 Windstress**2 in grid-x direction CF-1.0
TAUY Windstress in grid-y direction dyne/centimeter^2 Windstress in grid-y direction CF-1.0
TAUY2 Windstress**2 in grid-y direction dyne^2/centimeter^4 Windstress**2 in grid-y direction CF-1.0
TBLT Minimum Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter Minimum Boundary-Layer Depth CF-1.0
TEMP Potential Temperature degC Potential Temperature CF-1.0
TEMP2 Temperature**2 degC^2 Temperature**2 CF-1.0
TEND_SALT Tendency of Thickness Weighted SALT gram/kilogram/s Tendency of Thickness Weighted SALT CF-1.0
TEND_TEMP Tendency of Thickness Weighted TEMP degC/s Tendency of Thickness Weighted TEMP CF-1.0
tend_zint_100m_ALK Alkalinity Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m meq/m^3 cm/s Alkalinity Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
tend_zint_100m_ALK_ALT_CO2 Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m meq/m^3 cm/s Alkalinity, Alternative CO2 Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
tend_zint_100m_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
tend_zint_100m_DIC_ALT_CO2 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alternative CO2 Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
tend_zint_100m_DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Organic Carbon Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
tend_zint_100m_DOCr Refractory DOC Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Refractory DOC Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
tend_zint_100m_Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Iron Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
tend_zint_100m_NH4 Dissolved Ammonia Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Ammonia Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
tend_zint_100m_NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
tend_zint_100m_O2 Dissolved Oxygen Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Oxygen Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
tend_zint_100m_PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
tend_zint_100m_SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Tendency Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
T_FLUX_EXCH_INTRF Vertical Temperature Flux Across Upper/Lower Layer Interface (From EBM) degC*cm/s Vertical Temperature Flux Across Upper/Lower Layer Interface (From EBM) CF-1.0
TFW_S S flux due to freshwater flux (kg of salt/m^2/s) kg/m^2/s S flux due to freshwater flux (kg of salt/m^2/s) CF-1.0
TFW_T T flux due to freshwater flux watt/m^2 T flux due to freshwater flux CF-1.0
TIDAL_DIFF Jayne Tidal Diffusion None Jayne Tidal Diffusion CF-1.0
TLT Transition Layer Thickness cm Transition Layer Thickness CF-1.0
TMXL Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth CF-1.0
TMXL_DR Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth (density) centimeter Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth (density) CF-1.0
TPOWER Energy Used by Vertical Mixing erg/s/cm^3 Energy Used by Vertical Mixing CF-1.0
UES Salt Flux in grid-x direction gram/kilogram/s Salt Flux in grid-x direction CF-1.0
UET Flux of Heat in grid-x direction degC/s Flux of Heat in grid-x direction CF-1.0
UISOP Bolus Velocity in grid-x direction (diagnostic) cm/s Bolus Velocity in grid-x direction (diagnostic) CF-1.0
USUBM Submeso velocity in grid-x direction (diagnostic) cm/s Submeso velocity in grid-x direction (diagnostic) CF-1.0
UVEL Velocity in grid-x direction centimeter/s Velocity in grid-x direction CF-1.0
UVEL2 Velocity**2 in grid-x direction centimeter^2/s^2 Velocity**2 in grid-x direction CF-1.0
VDC_S total diabatic vertical SALT diffusivity cm^2/s total diabatic vertical SALT diffusivity CF-1.0
VDC_T total diabatic vertical TEMP diffusivity cm^2/s total diabatic vertical TEMP diffusivity CF-1.0
VISOP Bolus Velocity in grid-y direction (diagnostic) cm/s Bolus Velocity in grid-y direction (diagnostic) CF-1.0
VNS Salt Flux in grid-y direction gram/kilogram/s Salt Flux in grid-y direction CF-1.0
VNS_ISOP Salt Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to Eddy-Induced Vel (diagnostic) gram/kilogram/s Salt Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to Eddy-Induced Vel (diagnostic) CF-1.0
VNS_SUBM Salt Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to submeso Vel (diagnostic) gram/kilogram/s Salt Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to submeso Vel (diagnostic) CF-1.0
VNT Flux of Heat in grid-y direction degC/s Flux of Heat in grid-y direction CF-1.0
VNT_ISOP Heat Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to Eddy-Induced Vel (diagnostic) degC/s Heat Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to Eddy-Induced Vel (diagnostic) CF-1.0
VNT_SUBM Heat Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to submeso Vel (diagnostic) degC/s Heat Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to submeso Vel (diagnostic) CF-1.0
VSUBM Submeso velocity in grid-y direction (diagnostic) cm/s Submeso velocity in grid-y direction (diagnostic) CF-1.0
VVC total vertical momentum viscosity cm^2/s total vertical momentum viscosity CF-1.0
VVEL Velocity in grid-y direction centimeter/s Velocity in grid-y direction CF-1.0
VVEL2 Velocity**2 in grid-y direction centimeter^2/s^2 Velocity**2 in grid-y direction CF-1.0
WISOP Vertical Bolus Velocity (diagnostic) cm/s Vertical Bolus Velocity (diagnostic) CF-1.0
WSUBM Vertical submeso velocity (diagnostic) cm/s Vertical submeso velocity (diagnostic) CF-1.0
WTS Salt Flux Across Top Face gram/kilogram/s Salt Flux Across Top Face CF-1.0
WTT Heat Flux Across Top Face degC/s Heat Flux Across Top Face CF-1.0
WVEL Vertical Velocity centimeter/s Vertical Velocity CF-1.0
WVEL2 Vertical Velocity**2 centimeter^2/s^2 Vertical Velocity**2 CF-1.0
XBLT Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth CF-1.0
XMXL Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth CF-1.0
XMXL_DR Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth (density) centimeter Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth (density) CF-1.0
zooC Zooplankton Carbon mmol/m^3 Zooplankton Carbon CF-1.0
zoo_loss_doc_zint Zooplankton Loss to DOC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Zooplankton Loss to DOC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
zoo_loss_doc_zint_100m Zooplankton Loss to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Zooplankton Loss to DOC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
zoo_loss_poc_zint Zooplankton Loss to POC Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Zooplankton Loss to POC Vertical Integral CF-1.0
zoo_loss_poc_zint_100m Zooplankton Loss to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Zooplankton Loss to POC Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
zoo_loss_zint Zooplankton Loss Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s Zooplankton Loss Vertical Integral CF-1.0
zoo_loss_zint_100m Zooplankton Loss Vertical Integral, 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s Zooplankton Loss Vertical Integral, 0-100m CF-1.0
zsatarag Aragonite Saturation Depth cm Aragonite Saturation Depth CF-1.0
zsatcalc Calcite Saturation Depth cm Calcite Saturation Depth CF-1.0
Date Created
2018-12-07 08:44:02
Date Last Updated
2022-08-22 11:51:04
Version Date Publisher Published State Source
1 2018-12-07 08:44:02 Ilana Stern Published