Title: CESM2-CISM2 Transient Last Interglacial Simulations Description: The Transient Last Interglacial dataset contains output from the TransientLIG simulation from 127,000 to 119,000 years before present (127 – 119 ka). This simulation is with the CESM2.1 at the FV1_gx1v6 resolution coupled to CISM2 at 4 km resolution for Greenland. The ice sheet model and the orbital parameters over time (eccentricity, obliquity, and precession) are accelerated - advancing 5 years for each CESM2 year. In CAM6, the surface elevation over Greenland is updated every 10 atmosphere years. Offline coupling of BIOME4 distributions every 500 ice-sheet years allows for incorporation of quasi-dynamic vegetation changes [U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9RPB5KD]. All other forcings (GHGs, aerosols, land-ocean configuration) are kept constant during the TransientLIG simulation. The dataset also includes a sensitivity simulation (NoBiome) from 127 – 121 ka illustrating the effects of vegetation. This simulation retains the preindustrial no-Anthro vegetation distribution adopted in the CMIP6-PMIP4 127 ka and 6ka equilibrium simulations with CESM2.1 at the FV1_gx1v6 resolution. The TransientLIG and NoBiome simulations are initialized from the CMIP6-PMIP4 lig127k simulation with CESM2 [http://doi.org/10.22033/ESGF/CMIP6.7673]. The simulations adopted the initial state of the GrIS from the CESM2-CISM2 JG/BG spinup under pre-industrial climate forcing [https://doi.org/10.26024/4gt3-9r10] Metadata URL: https://www.earthsystemgrid.org/dataset/id/1c603905-8a22-422c-bd79-932f26cdfd70.html