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CCSM run b30.032a, Atmosphere Post Processed Data, Monthly Averages, version 1

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monthly_ave - Monthly Average
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Experiment - b30.032a
Name Description Units Standard Name Standard Name Vocabulary
CLDHGH Vertically-integrated high cloud fraction CF-1.0
CLDICE Grid box averaged ice condensate amount kg/kg CF-1.0
CLDLIQ Grid box averaged liquid condensate amount kg/kg CF-1.0
CLDLOW Vertically-integrated low cloud fraction CF-1.0
CLDMED Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud fraction CF-1.0
CLDTOT Vertically-integrated total cloud fraction CF-1.0
CLOUD Cloud fraction fraction CF-1.0
CMFDQ Q tendency - Hack convection kg/kg/s CF-1.0
CMFDQR Q tendency - shallow convection rainout kg/kg/s CF-1.0
CMFDT T tendency - Hack convection K/s CF-1.0
CMFMC Moist convection mass flux kg/m2/s CF-1.0
CONCLD Convective cloud cover fraction CF-1.0
CPLPRCER Error in precipitation state (rain or snow) sent to coupler kg/m2/s CF-1.0
CPLRAINC Convective rainfall sent to coupler kg/m2/s CF-1.0
CPLRAINL Large-scale rainfall sent to coupler kg/m2/s CF-1.0
CPLSNOWC Convective snowfall sent to coupler kg/m2/s CF-1.0
CPLSNOWL Large-scale snowfall sent to coupler kg/m2/s CF-1.0
DCQ Q tendency due to moist processes kg/kg/s CF-1.0
DTCOND T tendency - moist processes K/s CF-1.0
DTH T horizontal diffusive heating K/s CF-1.0
DTV T vertical diffusion K/s CF-1.0
FICE Fractional ice content within cloud fraction CF-1.0
FLNS Net longwave flux at surface W/m2 CF-1.0
FLNSC Clearsky net longwave flux at surface W/m2 CF-1.0
FLNSOI FLNS over open ocn and ice W/m2 CF-1.0
FLNT Net longwave flux at top of model W/m2 CF-1.0
FLNTC Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model W/m2 CF-1.0
FLUT Upwelling longwave flux at top of model W/m2 CF-1.0
FLUTC Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model W/m2 CF-1.0
FSDS Downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 CF-1.0
FSDSC Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 CF-1.0
FSNS Net solar flux at surface W/m2 CF-1.0
FSNSC Clearsky net solar flux at surface W/m2 CF-1.0
FSNSOI FSNS over open ocn and ice W/m2 CF-1.0
FSNT Net solar flux at top of model W/m2 CF-1.0
FSNTC Clearsky net solar flux at top of model W/m2 CF-1.0
FSNTOA Net solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 CF-1.0
FSNTOAC Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 CF-1.0
GCLDLWP Grid-box cloud water path gram/m2 CF-1.0
ICEFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice fraction CF-1.0
ICLDIWP In-cloud ice water path gram/m2 CF-1.0
ICLDLWP In-cloud cloud water path (liquid and ice) gram/m2 CF-1.0
LANDFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by land fraction CF-1.0
LHFLX Surface latent heat flux W/m2 CF-1.0
LHFLXOI LHFLX over open ocn and ice W/m2 CF-1.0
LWCF Longwave cloud forcing W/m2 CF-1.0
OCNFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean fraction CF-1.0
OMEGA Vertical velocity (pressure) Pa/s CF-1.0
OMEGAT Vertical heat flux K Pa/s CF-1.0
PBLH PBL height m CF-1.0
PDELDRY Dry pressure difference between levels Pa CF-1.0
PHIS Surface geopotential m2/s2 CF-1.0
PRECC Convective precipitation rate m/s CF-1.0
PRECL Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate m/s CF-1.0
PRECSC Convective snow rate (water equivalent) m/s CF-1.0
PRECSH Shallow Convection precipitation rate m/s CF-1.0
PRECSL Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) m/s CF-1.0
PS Surface pressure Pa CF-1.0
PSDRY Surface pressure Pa CF-1.0
PSL Sea level pressure Pa CF-1.0
Q Specific humidity kg/kg CF-1.0
QC Q tendency - shallow convection LW export kg/kg/s CF-1.0
QFLX Surface water flux kg/m2/s CF-1.0
QREFHT Reference height humidity kg/kg CF-1.0
QRL Longwave heating rate K/s CF-1.0
QRS Solar heating rate K/s CF-1.0
RELHUM Relative humidity percent CF-1.0
SFCLDICE CLDICE surface flux kg/m2/s CF-1.0
SFCLDLIQ CLDLIQ surface flux kg/m2/s CF-1.0
SFQ Q surface flux kg/m2/s CF-1.0
SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux W/m2 CF-1.0
SHFLXOI SHFLX over open ocn and ice W/m2 CF-1.0
SNOWHICE Water equivalent snow depth m CF-1.0
SNOWHLND Water equivalent snow depth m CF-1.0
SOLIN Solar insolation W/m2 CF-1.0
SRFRAD Net radiative flux at surface W/m2 CF-1.0
SWCF Shortwave cloud forcing W/m2 CF-1.0
T Temperature K CF-1.0
TAUX Zonal surface stress N/m2 CF-1.0
TAUY Meridional surface stress N/m2 CF-1.0
TGCLDIWP Total grid-box cloud ice water path gram/m2 CF-1.0
TGCLDLWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path gram/m2 CF-1.0
TMQ Total (vertically integrated) precipitatable water kg/m2 CF-1.0
TREFHT Reference height temperature K CF-1.0
TS Surface temperature (radiative) K CF-1.0
TSMN Minimum surface temperature over output period K CF-1.0
TSMX Maximum surface temperature over output period K CF-1.0
U Zonal wind m/s CF-1.0
UU Zonal velocity squared m2/s2 CF-1.0
V Meridional wind m/s CF-1.0
VD01 Vertical diffusion of Q kg/kg/s CF-1.0
VQ Meridional water transport m/skg/kg CF-1.0
VT Meridional heat transport K m/s CF-1.0
VU Meridional flux of zonal momentum m2/s2 CF-1.0
VV Meridional velocity squared m2/s2 CF-1.0
Z3 Geopotential Height (above sea level) m CF-1.0
Date Created
2010-02-17 15:31:04
Date Last Updated
2021-08-19 14:37:00
Version Date Publisher Published State Source
1 2010-02-17 15:31:04 Ilana Stern Retracted