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project=NMME, model=NCAR Community Earth System Model, CESM version 1, experiment=20080601, time_frequency=mon, modeling realm=atmos

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Time Frequency
mon - Monthly
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Project - NMME
Experiment - 20080601
Name Description Units Standard Name Standard Name Vocabulary
date current date (YYYYMMDD) None current date (YYYYMMDD) CF-1.0
G Geopotential Height (above sea level) m geopotential_height CF-1.0
hus Specific humidity kg/kg specific_humidity CF-1.0
precip precipitation mm/day precipitation CF-1.0
PS Surface pressure Pa Surface pressure CF-1.0
Psl Sea level pressure Pa air_pressure_at_sea_level CF-1.0
Rlds Downwelling longwave flux at surface W/m2 surface_net_downward_longwave_flux CF-1.0
Rls Net longwave flux at surface W/m2 Net longwave flux at surface CF-1.0
Rlt Net longwave flux at top of model W/m2 Net longwave flux at top of model CF-1.0
Rsds Downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux CF-1.0
Rss Net solar flux at surface W/m2 Net solar flux at surface CF-1.0
Rst Net solar flux at top of model W/m2 Net solar flux at top of model CF-1.0
sst sea surface temperature K sea_surface_temperature CF-1.0
Stx Zonal surface stress N/m2 Zonal surface stress CF-1.0
Sty Meridional surface stress N/m2 Meridional surface stress CF-1.0
Ta Temperature K air_temperature CF-1.0
Tqm Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water kg/m2 Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water CF-1.0
t_ref Reference height temperature K Reference height temperature CF-1.0
Ts Surface temperature (radiative) K surface_temperature CF-1.0
ua Zonal wind m/s eastward_wind CF-1.0
uv Meridional wind m/s northward_wind CF-1.0
Date Created
2016-06-14 11:15:30
Date Last Updated
2019-04-04 12:12:20
Version Date Publisher Published State Source
20160916 2016-09-16 21:33:41 Eric Nienhouse Published
20160531 2016-06-14 11:15:30 Eric Nienhouse Published