NetCDF Header

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netcdf /datazone/cordex/data/raw/NAM-22/seas/RegCM4/MPI-ESM-LR/rcp85/ps/ {
    time = UNLIMITED;   // (381 currently)
    y = 278;
    x = 334;
    bnds = 2;
    double lon(y=278, x=334);
      :standard_name = "longitude";
      :long_name = "Longitude on Cross Points";
      :units = "degrees_east";
      :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon";

    double y(y=278);
      :standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate";
      :long_name = "y-coordinate in Cartesian system";
      :units = "m";
      :axis = "Y";

    double x(x=334);
      :standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate";
      :long_name = "x-coordinate in Cartesian system";
      :units = "m";
      :axis = "X";

    double lat(y=278, x=334);
      :standard_name = "latitude";
      :long_name = "Latitude on Cross Points";
      :units = "degrees_north";
      :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat";

    char oblique_mercator;
      :grid_mapping_name = "oblique_mercator";
      :azimuth_of_central_line = 90.0; // double
      :latitude_of_projection_origin = 46.0; // double
      :longitude_of_projection_origin = 263.0; // double
      :scale_factor_at_projection_origin = 1.0; // double
      :false_easting = 0.0; // double
      :false_northing = 0.0; // double

    double time_bnds(time=381, bnds=2);

    double time(time=381);
      :axis = "T";
      :calendar = "standard";
      :units = "days since 1949-12-1 00:00:00";
      :bounds = "time_bnds";
      :long_name = "time";
      :standard_name = "time";

    float ps(time=381, y=278, x=334);
      :standard_name = "surface_air_pressure";
      :long_name = "Surface Air Pressure";
      :units = "Pa";
      :grid_mapping = "oblique_mercator";
      :coordinates = "lat lon";
      :_FillValue = 1.0E20f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E20f; // float
      :cell_methods = "time: point time: mean";

  // global attributes:
  :CDI = "Climate Data Interface version 1.9.9 (";
  :Conventions = "CF-1.4";
  :institution = "National Center for Atmospheric Research";
  :contact = "Melissa Bukovsky,";
  :creation_date = "2017-12-06T00:00:00Z";
  :experiment = "Scenario experiment using MPI-ESM-LR as driving model";
  :experiment_id = "rcp85";
  :driving_experiment = "MPI-ESM-LR,rcp85,r1i1p1";
  :driving_model_id = "MPI-ESM-LR";
  :driving_model_ensemble_member = "r1i1p1";
  :driving_experiment_name = "rcp85";
  :frequency = "sem";
  :institute_id = "NCAR";
  :model_id = "NCAR-RegCM4";
  :rcm_version_id = "v4.4-rc8";
  :project_id = "CORDEX";
  :CORDEX_domain = "NAM-22";
  :references = "Elguindi, et al. Regional climate model RegCM user manual version 4.4. The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Strada Costiera, Trieste, Italy. (2013).";
  :product = "output";
  :tracking_id = "fd8beee8-755c-4673-9694-5a482f0b20ad";
  :history = "Thu Feb 18 12:36:46 MST 2021: ncl aggregate.ncl outfile=sem/ varname=ps interval=season method=mean outtime=mid\nThu Feb 13 05:07:31 2020: ncatted -a missing_value,ps,o,f,1e20 -a _FillValue,ps,o,f,1e20 ./nam-22/rcp85/day/\nThu Apr  4 17:45:26 2019: ncap2 -O -s ps=ps*100; ./mpi-esm-lr/nam-22/rcp85/day/ ./mpi-esm-lr/nam-22/rcp85/day/";
  :NCO = "netCDF Operators version 4.7.9 (Homepage =, Code =";
  :nco_openmp_thread_number = 1; // int
  :CDO = "Climate Data Operators version 1.9.9 (";
  :id = "doi:10.5065/D6SJ1JCH";
  :title = "NA-CORDEX Raw NAM-22 RegCM4 MPI-ESM-LR RCP8.5 Seasonal Mean Surface Pressure";
  :version = "1.5";